Monday, January 16, 2017

Making the Most of Your Solar Power

I installed solar panels on my roof a few months back and expected to immediately bask in the savings and benefits of the free and renewable energy coming from the sun. And as expected, my utility bills showed a sharp drop decline owing to the solar power being used during the day.

However, a closer scrutiny of the monthly bills showed me that I was still drawing considerable power from the grid! I figured that this usage was much more than what my household needed when the sun was not shining.
I called on a technician from the solar company in California, Plug It In Solar, who had provided the free installation for my solar power system. We put our heads together for a bit and figured out that I needed to alter my usage patterns a bit.
I realized that the majority of my power usage should be scheduled in the day time itself when the free electricity from solar panels is available. Therefore, we switched to using the vacuum cleaner, water heater, iron and ovens in the day time as much as possible. We now make it a point to charge our cell phones and laptops during the day and even started setting the washing machine and dishwasher to start as we leave for work.
Additionally, smart usage of solar power requires staggering out the usage a bit as well. We never run the high-wattage appliances together anymore. This can mean waiting for the vacuuming to be done before operating the oven or dryer, but the savings have swelled beyond expectation!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Get Rid of Electricity Bill with Solar Panel

In general, solar energy might be described as the energy which is received from the sunlight and covered by a mechanical source for home use. It is both reliable and cheaper for operations as the sun is readily available.  On the other side, solar panels are the mechanically built materials whose main purpose is to convert solar energy to electrical energy. They are built from an element called silicon. It is the core duty of the silicon element to convert the solar energy to electricity. When it is cloudy the intensity of the solar power delivered perfectly, the photovoltaic solar materials deliver sun rays into electricity and the solar thermal receiver changes the solar power into heat solvents, such as water and oil.

You might be thinking why you will go solar, these are the reasons:
It is a renewable source of energy. It can be harnessed in all areas of the world and is available every day.

You need to spend a good amount of money for electricity bill while in the case of solar energy the cost is very minimal. It will be a suitable option for you if you want to get rid of the electricity bill.

Solar energy might be used for different purposes. It can be used to produce electricity in areas without access to the energy grid, to distil water in regions with limited clean water supplies and to power satellites in space.

Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You just need to keep them clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job.

If you want to install solar panel then get assistance from Plug It In Solar. The professionals of the agency are there to help you. If you want to know more about solar panel installation then call them at 818.670.7769 or check them at

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Financing Solar Panels Becomes Easy!

The high cost of solar panels has been the only deterrent in my path of going solar. I know that the expenses will be offset by the tax credit and rebates, but I am still not in a position to shell out thousands of dollars for a cash purchase right now.

I checked the lease and power purchase agreement (PPA) options too. The monthly cost works out quite reasonable, but I do not want to miss out on the incentives and subsidies due to third-party ownership.

I approached, Plug It In Solar with my dilemma. The professional team worked out my requirements and gave me an estimated budget for the solar panels. They offered free installation, but I said the cash or lease options were not feasible for me.
The solar company in California soon resolved the issue by informing me about the innovative Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans offered by the state to homeowners. They told me that this is nothing but a low-cost loan from the local government for purchasing the solar panels. The loan has to be paid back in the form of higher property taxes over a period of 15 to 20 years. Moreover, as the loan is permanently fixed with the property, the repayment obligation will transfer to the new owner should I sell the house in the meantime.

This works out well for me and I will be using clean energy and reducing my carbon footprint very soon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Go Smart Go Solar

The sun is the indispensable source of energy, one that can be easily harnessed to power your home or office. If you are looking for a gateway to the future then go for the solar panel. By switching to the environmental friendly resources, you can save your planet for the future generation. 
There are diverse characteristics of solar energy for which you would like to choose it over others and these are:
Clean: Solar power systems generate electricity with zero emission of Co2, SOx, Nox, and other gasses that are associated with global warming and acid rain.
Renewable: Solar power system can convert nature’s sunlight into an unlimited supply of energy.
Abundant: The amount of sunlight striking earth in any given hour contains light energy that is equivalent to the whole world energy consumption for one year.
There are diverse benefits of solar energy and these include:
  • Lower your power bill
  • Generate your own electricity
  • Improve the environment
  • It is not as expensive as you might have thought
  • A long term investment
  • Room to move
  • Increase the value of your home
  • Solar power is no longer niche
As now, you are familiar with the huge benefits of solar energy, you might like to install a solar panel in your house and for this, and you need an assistance of the professionals. To install the solar panel with the professionals of a reputable solarcompany in California, you can go for Plug It In Solar. If you want to know more about their services then call them at 818-855-8505 or check them at